We have several different sizes that are great for home and office. Unlike the drawer storage system, these units display the product to the side of the coffee maker. This provides you with additional work space in front of the coffee maker. The unit shown above is our 6-cup holder with the condiment holder. This unit was designed for hotels and B & B applications. We also have K-Cup holders that will accommodate 9 and 15 K-Cups. Before you buy a drawer, you need to consider the following. To remove the K-Cups from a drawer unit, you will be infringing on your work space in front of the coffee maker. Where the drawer units work in open spaces, they do not work as well under cabinets on a counter top. They raise the coffee maker up, making it not under the cabinet friendly for home usages. Removing the water tub will require that you pull the coffee maker out from under the cabinet. These new holders eliminate this problem and they are made in the USA, in the state of Kentucky. They are made from reprocessed ABS polymer that comes from old recycled car parts. This makes our units a fully green product, unlike the chrome-plated units that are built over seas. Corporate customers are able to have their logo imprinted on the top of the stands. Go to the Corporate button for more details.